here’s a simple tutorial how do you unhook original secret neighbor alpha from the xsolla launcher, we will bypass the game crash if it launched outside xsolla, and also we’re going to bypass “No Response from Validation Server” it’s an easy thing to do, the software we will need is jus DnSpy.
- First Open DnSpy
- Open BackEndAPI.XsollaPlatform NameSpace
- Open XsollaPlatform Class
- Right Click on init method and click Edit Method
- And Remove Application.Quit and this.CheckGameVersion
- Done, removing the Application.Quit will bypass the game from crashing when it’s launch outside xsolla
- removing the this.CheckGameVersion method will bypass the No Response From Validation Server Error
- Now you can just change the PhoronAppId to your own appid and then the game will be back alive again
Just remove this code and click compile and save the Assembly and done, it’s really simple innit?
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