the software that we will use is just DnSpy ;3
just open AppController Class from Assembly Csharp with dnspy, and go to FixedUpdate method.
right click and click Edit method.
just write this script inside the method body
Configuration.Config.instance.networkConfig.maxPlayersPerRoom = 20;
now just click compile and save the assembly ;3
now by default up to 20 players can join your lobby
but remember if it’s free photon subscription you will only be able to set max player up to 20 players, and if it’s the paid subscription well, you can only set max up to 32 players since pun can only handle max 32 players in a single room if im not mistaken but also i might be mistaken ;3
here’s how the lobby will look like if you set max player are 10 ;D
Thanks for visiting my website, leave a comment if you need any help ;D